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What ... how much!

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    Re: What ... how much!

    Photos with regards to paintings are Art, however anyone can walk up to that location and snap the same shot, however, a painting is pretty much a one off, forby replicas.

    I'd never dream of selling an image for that much, and his images are not really anything that I couldn't pop on a canvas from 500px for $75. My personal view is that 10 years ago he'd be selling them like hotcakes, but not these days with everyone and their granny a photographer/graphic designer.

    He's using a Smugmug pro account to sell the stuff, so he needs to get money back somehow lol

    I guess its all about a person perception of art = cost over desire to own that work.

    My boss asked me to photograph his view from his window, because he's moving house. I said it would be £85 and he said "wow that's great I'd have paid £250" DOOOOHHH!!
    Fuji X-T1 | 1D IV


      Re: What ... how much!

      Originally posted by AndyA View Post
      Bob, I apologize. No offence intended! :)
      Ha ha - no problem, Andy - seriously, none taken :)

      It is a very personal thing, though. For instance, I can't see the attraction in spending several £100's on a piece of porcelain, but collectors of Lladro and similar are happy to.

      As you go on to say - we don't all think alike, and the world's a more interesting place for that, IMO.

      You've only got to spend an hour browsing this forum to see the breadth of material people like to shoot, leave alone the ever-present colour vs b&w debate!!
      “If you're gonna be a maniac, pyro's not a good maniac.” Larry David
      "Go ahead and play The Blues if it'll make you happy". Homer J. Simpson
      "War, children, it's just a shot away... Love, sister, it's just a kiss away". Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
      "I was in the band, ok. The girls were pretty interested, you know, with the guitar. They liked that.” Larry David

      EOS 5D, 24-105L, 430EXII, G11

