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follow up

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    follow up

    IMG_9020 by David Miller, on Flickr

    I asked earlier how to take light show photos, this is one of my attempts. Tell me where I went wrong, tried all sorts of combinations & still they come out like this. HELP.

    Re: follow up

    you need upload a bigger image - use size 800, I did try to click the image but its set as private
    :- Ian

    5D Mk III, 24-105 / 70-200 f2.8 L / 100-400 Mk II / 100 macro / 16-35 L / 11-24 L / 1.4 & 2x converters and a bad back carrying it all ;o)



      Re: follow up

      as well as a larger size you need to tell us how you set the camera up - aperture, shutter speed etc
      Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*


        Re: follow up

        All of my rubbish ones are on Flickr under albums, sorry about size I am new to this techi stuff. Will try ��


          Re: follow up

          IMG_9020 by David Miller, on Flickr
          Taken on a 700D 1/1000 f4 75mm.iso 6400
          Last edited by Daisy M; 09-10-2016, 15:11.


            Re: follow up

            Hard to tell from this ,as I can't get into the exif on Flickr ,but knowing your preference for j.pegs and not playing with your pics I will assume ? That you have shot this in auto mode on your camera .is it tripod or hand held for a start ,what lens was in use as it could be wide open with a f4 or stopped down with a 2.8 which will affect things .
            If shot in full auto then it's possible that the a/f has grabbed the foreground as the twigs in the water look sharp ( albeit with a touch of camera shake). So to tell you what's wrong of indeed right we need far more information from you


              Re: follow up

              75x 300 lens on a tripod in flash off mode, though I did not use my remote shutter release.1: 4- 5.6
              Last edited by Daisy M; 09-10-2016, 16:02.


                Re: follow up

                Picking up on Jeff's comment I suspect that the camera setting was auto and that the camera assumed that the point that required to be in focus was the closest to the camera. The supplied exif shows a high shutter speed but it seems not to have been able to freeze the firework motion, additionally I suspect that it could also be down to camera shake if this is a handheld shot. The aperture of f4 isn't sufficient to produce a depth of field covering front to back (twigs in the water foreground to the fireworks) of the image

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                  Re: follow up

                  Daisy, this is one I took quite some time ago - it's a direct upload to here so is a little soft.

                  This was taken on a tripod mounted 5D, 25 seconds at f11, Av, ISO 320.

                  If you use too fast a shutter speed (your's was 1/1000, far too fast), you will only record the brightest of lights. When lights are constantly changing, it's more of a hit & miss thing - some will work, others won't. This was taken in Av mode, but I suggest that full manual is better (set your aperture for DoF, then you can better see the effect of shutter speed on the image and adjust accordingly).


                  Enchanted Forest - 4b.jpg

                  5Ds // 5D Mark III //
                  7D Mark II // 16-35 f4L // 24-70 f2.8L II //
                  24-105 f4L II // 70-200 f4 L // 70-200 f2.8 Lis II // 50 f1.2L // 85 f1.8 //100 f2.8Lis // 200 f2.8L // 300 f4Lis // 1.4ex // .......... and a longer wish list


                    Re: follow up

                    As suspected Dave (daisy) this shows a complete lack of understanding of your camera or settings or how to apply them ,iron man has come the closest to helping you hopefully you will absorb it rather than coming back with arguments as to why it's your way or no way .a lot of us put a lot of effort into trying to help you in your welcome thread and honestly looking at this it was a total waste of time .
                    Sorry to be harsh but we can help ,and will help but it needs full access to exif re-Flickr to try a work out what your doing and how .please do carry on posting and asking for help and let's work together to get your images better


                      Re: follow up

                      If I were to be honest I would have to confess to not knowing what it was a picture of. Reading other comments I think it may have been fireworks? If so then I have had some modest success here and can say that you need:

                      a) a tripod
                      b) an aperture small enough to ensure all is in focus.
                      c) a shutter speed slow enough to capture a decent bit of the action
                      d) an ISO low enough to minimise noise.
                      e) a focal length to capture it with minimal cropping.

                      Here's one I made earlier:

                      IMG_0479-Edit-2 by John Leah, on Flickr

                      That one was: f14 / 8 seconds / ISO 100 / 53 mm

                      oh, and f) post processing software for that all important final polish.

                      But do not be disillusioned, Daisy, as we are genuinely here to help.



                        Re: follow up

                        .a lot of us put a lot of effort into trying to help you in your welcome thread and honestly looking at this it was a total waste of time
                        agree, not to mention the specific thread where he asked for help for this sort of shot, one of the things I suggested and was backed by other comments was the use of an aperture between f 8 and f 11 and what has been used for the shot....f4. So why ask for help and then ignore it
                        Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*



                          Re: follow up

                          to be fair dave has now sent me a nice private message and he now realises we are here to help .so lets try and do that for him .


                            Re: follow up

                            John, the photos are a projection onto a very fine high powered water spray in the middle of a small loch & are changing every split second, which is why I am finding it more of a challenge. Stan, I have just uploaded last nights efforts onto Flickr ( DaisyM17 ) & I hope you can see that I did absorb the higher f stop & have I think, improved on the last 5 photos, though I would like others opinions. Thanks foxy, I am trying. Next step, I took last night in Raw as well, so will see if I can improve them.

