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Rugby- Wales vs England

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    Re: Rugby- Wales vs England

    Originally posted by Roberto View Post
    Incidentally, on the subject of SW and the alleged"abuse" over his contract, he has openly said he received only 2 messages with anything like criticism, and they were both aimed at Roger Lewis - and his brother confirmed as much. More lazy journalism from the Welsh media stirring up a controversy where none exists.
    Well that's good news, and apologies for perpetuating it.

    If anything, Wales looked over-trained, over-conditioned and over-coached. For far too long they've lacked anyone (on the pitch) who can recognise when Plan A isn't working and try a Plan B.
    Quite agree; they have the look of players terrified not to follow the gameplan to the letter even if it's not working; actually, Ireland have been similar in that regard, but their gameplans have been much better this season - it only didn't work against England. What's really pleased me this year as an England fan, and kid's coach, has been the way that England have been playing real heads-up rugby, and adapting to the situation (first half in Paris excepted) - they've been trusted to do their own thing to a much larger extent in attack - that leads to much more entertaining play, but the unpredictability also makes it really hard to defend against.
    Please don't ask about my kit, it's embarrassing!


      Re: Rugby- Wales vs England

      Originally posted by nickorando View Post
      Well that's good news, and apologies for perpetuating it.
      Not a problem. I've met Sam's brother (well, and Sam) on a number of occasions, both really nice lads, Ben is very protective of Sam.

      Originally posted by nickorando View Post
      Quite agree; they have the look of players terrified not to follow the gameplan to the letter even if it's not working; actually, Ireland have been similar in that regard, but their gameplans have been much better this season - it only didn't work against England. What's really pleased me this year as an England fan, and kid's coach, has been the way that England have been playing real heads-up rugby, and adapting to the situation (first half in Paris excepted) - they've been trusted to do their own thing to a much larger extent in attack - that leads to much more entertaining play, but the unpredictability also makes it really hard to defend against.
      True - but I think a lot of that comes from having players who are capable of that - Care & Brown being obvious examples. May has huge potential if they can get him running forward - he does like to go cross-field before heading towards the goal-line. "36" probably had his best game of the tournament (sadly, for us) and, again, has that ability to try something different. Farrell behaved himself (I think he has a tendency to turn a bit petulant at times (a bit like Sexton running into the Italian wing after scoring and taking a dive - what was that about????) and his game improved all the more for it. I think Nowell is the obvious weakness, but then he's probably 3rd or 4th choice winger, when Yarde is fit again - look out!

