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A very big thank you

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    A very big thank you

    The latest edition of EOS Magazine dropped through my letter box sometime in the morning on Friday 20th April and as I had to go out I put it, the EOS shop catalogue and the Everything EOS 2012 on the sideboard with the idea that when I returned I could settle down to an enjoyable read.

    Unfortunately, upon my return I found the soggy remains of all three publications scattered around on the floor with a very guilty looking Labrador (5 months old and named 'Angel' !) greeting me with part of a page caught on a tooth and hanging out of her mouth.

    The whole set had been totally 'labradored' and rendered completely useless and unreadable. Shock/Horror !

    After the initial disappointment and anger had subsided, I rang Robert Scott publishing, explained the situation and asked if there was any way a new set of the three publications could be sent to me.

    On Monday morning (yesterday), the post duly arrived and I beat 'Angel' to the door so nothing got 'labradored'.

    Yes - there was a pristine copy of the magazine, complete with the catalogue and EOS everything, accompanied by a warning note from Kate informing me that this was still not dog proof !

    Soooooooo - A VERY BIG THANK YOU.
    Last edited by Texas; 26-04-2012, 00:08. Reason: Date changed due to time machine breakdown

    Re: A very big thank you

    I have a black labrador named Cooper.

    He is a top dog and his whole motivation in life is to try to please me, but he still has some labrador mischief. We have an expression for something that is broken and battered that it has been "Cooper'd". No further explanation necessary, or required.

    Yours had a happy ending ....................... wonder if Robert Scott Publishing do furniture repairs, wallpapering etc?



      Re: A very big thank you

      Originally posted by colin C View Post
      I have a black labrador named Cooper.

      He is a top dog and his whole motivation in life is to try to please me, but he still has some labrador mischief. We have an expression for something that is broken and battered that it has been "Cooper'd". No further explanation necessary, or required.

      Yours had a happy ending ....................... wonder if Robert Scott Publishing do furniture repairs, wallpapering etc?
      And door handles, skirting boards, wall plaster, best shoes, etc. etc. ?


        Re: A very big thank you

        I forgot shoes ...................... especially expensive ones!



          Re: A very big thank you

          Sadly I don't have a dog anymore, but I still have the damaged wallpaper and chewed door frame, I have not been able to repair them as they are a lasting reminder. glad Robert & team were able to help, and you finally had your quiet read.



            Re: A very big thank you


            That's great result and fantastic service from the publisher. It's good to highlight special customer services :o)
            Bob Turner
            Dundee, Scotland UK.


              Re: A very big thank you

              Do you have a time machine? - It's still not Friday 27th April yet!


                Re: A very big thank you

                Originally posted by collywobbles View Post
                Do you have a time machine? - It's still not Friday 27th April yet!
                Oh Drat !
                Its broken down so I've amended the date to the correct Earth Date.


                  Re: A very big thank you

                  Excellent service from Robert and the team!

                  I think that sums up this forum (and the EOS Magazine) for me, friendly, interested, informative, no BS, just plain helpful!

                  I'm very glad I found EOS Mag, and this forum!

                  Well done Robert and the team.

                  all the best, Mike.
                  5D4 : 7D2 : 16-35 f4 L : 24-105 II L : 70-200 f2.8 L : 100-400 II L : Macro 100 f2.8 L : Manfrotto CX055 Pro3


                    Re: A very big thank you


                    You forgot humour .................. and a sprinkling of mischief.



                      Re: A very big thank you

                      Originally posted by colin C View Post

                      You forgot humour .................. and a sprinkling of mischief.

                      Here, here second that


                        Re: A very big thank you

                        I have a Black and White Cocker Spaniel and ignores everything that comes through the letterbox.
                        HOWEVER... On occasions a few couples that I've shot their weddings have sent a piece of wedding cake through the post and all we've found is tiny bits of tin foil and packaging!!
                        Oh and 1 contented Spaniel :-(




                          Re: A very big thank you

                          Off to the Vet Mike 8o)
                          Bob Turner
                          Dundee, Scotland UK.


                            Re: A very big thank you

                            A great story (which made me smile) and a great outcome.
                            A story for the next issue of EOS Magazine, me thinks.
                            A new meaning to "lab tests".

