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The Way through the woods

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    The Way through the woods

    This was taken yesterday as I dodged the drizzle to keep dry (ish). Out in the creek (in the background) was the skeleton of a boat that I had been aware of, but this shot seemed worth a try.

    Way through the woods by Rogger19, on Flickr


    Canon 600D
    EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II @ 18mm
    1/6 sec; f/11; ISO 100
    Aperture priority; Spot metering
    Last edited by Rogger; 27-10-2012, 13:34. Reason: exposure details
    Nostalgia is ok...not as good as it used to be though

    Re: The Way through the woods

    I like how the water creates a path and pulls you through.

    If I was being picky I would have picked the leaves off on the right hand side. But I do like it's processing.
    Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
    Di's Flickr


      Re: The Way through the woods

      Love it. Like how you used the stream to lead the eye. I also like the processing. The only suggestion would be to crop the bottom of the image until the stream starts at the bottom right corner.



        Re: The Way through the woods

        The camera works just fine, it's the idiot staring through the viewfinder that need's help!


          Re: The Way through the woods

          I like it too, nicely processed, moody, and nice and sharp. I particularly like the way you've minimised the sky as it'd be blown out and made the most of the darker areas beneath the canopy to make the shot.

          I agree with Tom though, a tighter crop at the bottom would make for a better composition to me. I also find that whilst the river leads the eye in, it doesn't really lead anywhere as the focal point's not obvious.
          Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)


            Re: The Way through the woods

            Thanks all of you for your suggestions and comments. I did try closer cropping at the bottom, but preferred the darker tones of the bank to hold the bottom up, (if you know what I mean). proper focal point, I didn't get that lucky.

            Nostalgia is ok...not as good as it used to be though

