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Jagged Rocks

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    Jagged Rocks

    I have thank Rob Ashcroft for steering me into cropping the image to give a feel of mountains in mist... Cheers Rob, great when someone elses eyes sees something you don't.


    600D +18-55mm @ 18mm 3.2 sec; f/22; ISO 100
    Nostalgia is ok...not as good as it used to be though

    Re: Jagged Rocks

    great when someone elses eyes sees something you don't.
    Often the way and non photographers generally have a different insight as well, because they are not swayed by the technicalities of the shot.

    I love this, to me it's a print it big and nail it to the wall jobbey. Well done Roger.
    Last edited by colin C; 06-01-2013, 22:19.


      Jagged Rocks

      Would have to agree with what Colin said. Well done & Roger



        Re: Jagged Rocks

        Love the mood and the mystery evoked in this shot.


          Re: Jagged Rocks

          Nice shot and the crop works very well, Though there aren't many elements to the image it still pulls you in and keeps you there.Great job.

          EOS 1Dx, - EF 24-105L f4,- Sigma 135 f1.8 Art - EF 400L IS f2.8, - Speedlite 430EXII.
          Freelance Sports Photographer for local Press -


            Jagged Rocks

            Great shot and as already said, one to hang. A subject which really lends itself to B&W, you've inspired me to go in search of similar locations!
            Steve's kit - Canon 6D/EG-D/BG-E13/60D/EF-D/BG-E9/600 EX-RT/17-40L/24-105L/40/100L/70-200L/70-300/2x iii/Sigma 8-16/Yongnuo YN-568EX (x2)/YN560EX II/YN622C-TX/YN622C (x4)


              Re: Jagged Rocks

              I think its great too, lovely strong B&W image, my favourite kind!

              1Ds mk III;
              24 - 105 f4 L is; 300 f4 L is
              580 EX; 580 EX II; ST-E2

              My Flickr

              My Blog


                Re: Jagged Rocks

                Spot on, as Colin says would look good printed and hung

                Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*



                  Re: Jagged Rocks

                  Thanks to you all for your very kind comments

                  ...Colin..Cheers, I'll get my handman kit to the ready...:)
                  and S.J.P... I'm honoured you consider it to be an inspiration..

                  Nostalgia is ok...not as good as it used to be though


                    Re: Jagged Rocks

                    I really like this, shows what the 600d and a kit lens can do also. I love the black and white but I struggle to get the right tones, can I ask what B&W processing you do - mine always end up a kind of washed out mid grey.

                    EOS 600d, ef 18-55 is kit lens, 50 mm 1.8 mkii, Tamron 70-300, 430EXii


                      Re: Jagged Rocks

                      Thanks Ian, appreciate your comment, and yes it's easy to get muddy monochrome I'm afraid.

                      I hope this may prove to be helpful. I open the RAW file in ACR or DPP if you prefer and desaturate the image, taking care to keep the histogram without any clipping. I do NOT alter the colour sliders, as this may cause noise, especially in the blue channel.

                      From then on I use a method to selectively change the contrast in areas of the image where I consider they are needed. This is done by creating a duplicate layer ( Alt J) and then using the curves palette to make the changes. Then with the duplicate layer open and selected, create a layer mask ( press Alt key while clicking the layer mask icon at the bottom of the layers palette). Then using the brush tool, set to 0%... (very soft), paint back the area you wish to alter from the curves adjustment layer. When happy, you can flatten the image and start with the same procedure onto the next area you wish to adjust. This can be as simple as selecting areas such as foreground, middle distance and sky, or it can be as complicated as you wish.

                      I then dodge or burn areas of the image to create more mood if required, ( I use the History brush to do this),

                      I pretty much use this method all the time now.

                      Nostalgia is ok...not as good as it used to be though


                        Re: Jagged Rocks

                        I can see the mountains in the mist.
                        Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
                        Di's Flickr

