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EState entrance.

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    EState entrance.

    IMG_0375 (2) by David Miller, on Flickr

    Re: EState entrance.

    Nice compositions with good colours and textures although the castellation highlights need toning down a bit. Main problem is it's not sharp and hand-held shooting at 1/50th on an 80mm lens will usually end in tears.



      Re: EState entrance.

      thanks H
      John, still sorting these things out, when I am in av doesn't the camera sort out speed ?And is that you saying I should take my photos in manual setting to ensure all is correct?
      Last edited by Daisy M; 10-01-2017, 16:57.


        Re: EState entrance.

        Nice looking image Dave.
        AV is letting the camera choose the shutter speed based on a good average metered exposure. You choose AV so you can control the aperture, thus the depth of field. Your camera can't take into account whether you are shooting handheld versus a tripod. Perhaps shooting TV would have been a better choice on this occassion, letting the camera choose the aperture.
        Garry Macdonald on Flickr
        Garry Macdonald on Facebook


          Re: EState entrance.

          Thanks Garry


            Re: EState entrance.

            Yes what Gary advised is quite correct - by using TV you would be able to set a shutter speed fast enough for your focal length so for the 80mm you used you'd have needed a speed of 1/80th or faster (unless using a tripod). AV is useful for when you want either the entire image sharp (a high f number) or blur a background (low f number). You also need to keep an eye on ISO as, if set to Auto, it may drift too high making the image grainy.



              Re: EState entrance.

              Other option would be manual, set a faster speed for the lens, choose the aperture for the depth you want and set auto iso, then tweak any noise issues in post processing.
              So you are in effect running auto iso mode.
              Last edited by TonyT; 10-01-2017, 19:19.
              Canon 1DX, 50D, EF500 F4.0 L, EF100-400 f/4.5-5.6L I , EF100-400 f/4.5-5.6L II, EF70-200 f/2.8L II, EF180 f3.5L Macro, EF 24-105 f/4L, EF17-40 f/4L, EF2.0X III, EF1.4X III, 430EX II, MR-14EX...


                Re: EState entrance.

                This is what I love about this forum, I learn so much, just by placing a single image on it. Thanks all.


                  Re: EState entrance.

                  Blair Atholl drive way? As the others have given you options for camera setting David, I'll just say the composition you've chosen works very well. The drive coming in at an angle from the bottom corner leads the viewers eye in to the image then through the archway with the curve of the drive beyond the arch taking the eye right through the image, well done

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                    Re: EState entrance.

                    Thanks for your compliments Peter, you are right it is Blair Atholl, I live up in the hills above the village so pass this entrance to Lude Estate virtually daily & have thought that the entrance was screaming to be taken, but have never captured I as well as I wanted to. Ian's (tigger) images have encouraged me to look at this sort of angle more.


                      Re: EState entrance.

                      gotta love an open door / gate shot and I like your composition just need to get a few tweaks with the settings and your off - Personally I take all my shots in AV mode and as I want to keep an eye on noise keep that manual, but in time all this will be easy for you ... keep up the good work
                      :- Ian

                      5D Mk III, 24-105 / 70-200 f2.8 L / 100-400 Mk II / 100 macro / 16-35 L / 11-24 L / 1.4 & 2x converters and a bad back carrying it all ;o)



                        Re: EState entrance.

                        Thank you Ian.

