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Memoral - Colour

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    Memoral - Colour

    Hoping that I've put this in the right place.

    A local mining memorial.

    Taken with a Canon 500d - 18-55mm IS lens. UV and Polarising filters on - Cloned just a little at the right hand side to remove a twig. (Considered secateurs, but not my tree.)
    Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
    Di's Flickr

    Re: Memoral - Colour

    Good strong saturated colours and a strong graphic composition. I feel, however, that the viewer is not given enough visual information on what they are looking at. It looks as though it could be part of the wheel off the top of the pit head winding gear, if so maybe a different viewpoint would 'tell more of a story'. But a good strong shape to work with



      Re: Memoral - Colour

      Hello Alan.

      Yep its half a pit head winding gear wheel.

      I'm going to go back and give some more photos a whirl. I've not paid much attention to it before, but its certainly going to be photographed alot in the coming months... will 'pull back' on some shots and see if it comes up different.
      Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
      Di's Flickr


        Re: Memoral - Colour

        I returned to the memorial. The sky is a lot more gray. But couldn't resist a quick picture. My eyes were drawn to the group of berries that have fallen off the tree and followed the wheel down.

        Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
        Di's Flickr

