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MOON SET settings

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    MOON SET settings

    Hi folks,
    The moon set behind a house 1/2 a mile from mine this morning. I grabbed a few qickshots as I just noticed it out of the window. Least bad result was 1/40 sec, f7.1, ISO 800 on 7D with 300 +1.4x. On tripod but rushed and not really steady. moon a bit vague but good, warm colour.

    Any thoughts on how to set up for another go, ( tripod, cable release etc ), on Friday morning, please. The house is ugly - just trying to suss the techique for future use with a better foreground. Moon drops quickly, above then onto roof and partly behind the house.


    Re: MOON SET settings

    Hi Hugh;

    The starting-point for a full-moon (as it is right now) is;
    - 1/ISO @ f/11. E.g. : ISO100 1/125 f/11, but that's not really fast enough; so...

    Any combination will work; so you could use;
    ISO200 1/250 f/11
    ISO200 1/500 f/8
    ISO400 1/1000 f/8
    etc. etc.

    1/40 is way too slow. The moon moves across the sky at c. 2000MPH!

    Tripod is preferred; as is cable release, and mirror lock-up. With a 300mm + 1.4x, you'll still need a decent crop to get a good moon image.

    I was going to have a go tonight; but all we've got is thick cloud; last night was nice & clear when I went out, but cloud had moved in by the time I got home...

    Good luck...
    I actively encourage constructive comment & critique of any image I post!
    Feel free to edit & re-post as you see fit - but please - tell me what you have done to 'improve' the shot!


      Re: MOON SET settings

      This was a little while ago

      iso 160
      Attached Files


        Re: MOON SET settings

        Thanks both.
        Nice shot, Gez.
        I'll have a try in the morning using manual. I want to try and get the moon dropping over the horizon with some foreground so the lens is OK - will be around 8.00 am . Maybe I'll need to tweak your settings. Hopefully I'll have more time.


          Re: MOON SET settings

          The main thing to remember about the moon is that it is lit by the same sunlight that hits the earth on a nice sunny day. Therefore, your exposure should be for daylight. It's just that there is so much dark sky around the moon which is fooling your camera's automatic settings, which is why you need to shoot on manual.



            Re: MOON SET settings

            Thanks Colin,
            Too cloudy this morning, so my masterpiece of composition and lighting will have to wait. Will use manual next time.

