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Snap Happy Friends.

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    Snap Happy Friends.

    Meet some friends who are always "Snap Happy"

    These animals are all wild animals in their natural environment on the Daintree River in North Queensland.

    They are all quite capable of killing and eating a person, and Fat Albert the large one has been known to kill and eat an 18 month old steer. If a beast gets too near to the river bank then they can quite easily become crocodile dinner.

    All these images were taken from a boat on the river, we would have been within 5 meters of each animal
    they are all full frame
    5D mk11 300f2.8 1/320@ f8 ISO 1250
    Fat Albert1.jpg

    5DMK11 300f2.8 1/4000 @f3.2 ISO320
    eos croc 1.jpg

    50D 100-400 Canon Zoom 1/125 @f5.6 ISO 1600
    eos croc 3 eye.jpg

    Re: Snap Happy Friends.

    Those are some fine looking specimens. Don't want to get to close to them.


