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    Re: lizard

    Originally posted by Tigger View Post
    much better but its still looking a tad soft
    Jeff, Ian and Gordon your comments, on reflection, are fair dinkum it does come across as a bit harsh
    really don't see that Chris TBH - if the OP takes offense to me saying it looks a tad soft I think he's going to struggle on forums and this one is probably about the most friendliest group going...
    :- Ian

    5D Mk III, 24-105 / 70-200 f2.8 L / 100-400 Mk II / 100 macro / 16-35 L / 11-24 L / 1.4 & 2x converters and a bad back carrying it all ;o)



      Re: lizard

      dont fight over me lads i'm not worth it.

      tad soft - no problems with

      too much in shadow - apart from an occasional tweak (unless for dramatic effect) i like the picture to look how i remembered the scene. as the lizard was lit by a spotlight 6 inches above its head, unless i placed a reflector to the side or used a flash, i expect to see shadows underneath the head.

      i could create an overprocessed landscape image where the sea and sky had the same flat, bland lighting but i can't see the point of processing for processings sake. some people like that sort of thing, i wouldn't do it but its their choice.

      i could make the top and bottom uniform in colour and lighting but that's not what i saw.

      anyway, if me and the lizard are happy with the picture, and he hasn't informed me otherwise, it's ok.

