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    Took this this afternoon. Overcast and rain showers.

    ISO 1600, f5.6, 1/500th. 7D with borrowed 300 f.2.8 & 2 x extender. I think it was on monopod.

    Just wondering what anyone thinks of IQ etc , please, as I am seeing if its worth saving up ( for a long, long time) for a 300 f2.8.slight crop, no other tweaks.

    ( new upload of original image)

    Last edited by hughbie; 02-04-2010, 07:25. Reason: re post image

    Re: Mandarin

    Hi Hughbie;

    Well; I'm not sure what's happened here... when I looked at the image, the colours didn't look right to me... and they're not! When I pull the image into PS - they're totally different - far more natural; so I'm not sure why there's a colour change on the posting!!!

    And if I try & save the image; I get the same colour shift again - strange!
    I actively encourage constructive comment & critique of any image I post!
    Feel free to edit & re-post as you see fit - but please - tell me what you have done to 'improve' the shot!


      Re: Mandarin

      Thanks for looking. Reposted the image - correctly this time. This looks as it should do. Any comments on IQ etc welcome. RAW to Jpeg in Lightroom.



        Re: Mandarin

        Hi Hughbie;

        MUCH better! A little noise - but at ISO1600 - no surprises there...

        All up - a nice image of a very colourful drake... clearly out to impress!
        I actively encourage constructive comment & critique of any image I post!
        Feel free to edit & re-post as you see fit - but please - tell me what you have done to 'improve' the shot!


          Re: Mandarin

          thanks for that. Its a grotty weekend to have hired a lens.
          Must admit, I was impressed by the 300 & 2x extender but would love to get some sunshine as well. The above was taken in quite gloomy conditions, so I can live with a bit of noise.
          Pity I can't afford the lens.


            Re: Mandarin

            Originally posted by hughbie View Post
            Its a grotty weekend to have hired a lens... Pity I can't afford the lens.
            I can sympathise with BOTH those sentiments...

            I'm staring out the window right now to another cold, wet, windy & generally miserable day! Right now Sunday & Monday look like the best chance of seeing our nearest star!

            Good luck & have fun...
            I actively encourage constructive comment & critique of any image I post!
            Feel free to edit & re-post as you see fit - but please - tell me what you have done to 'improve' the shot!


              Re: Mandarin

              Originally posted by hughbie View Post
              Pity I can't afford the lens.
              Maybe not right now, but it is interesting in life that if you want something bad enough, things seem to happen!



                Re: Mandarin

                I need a job first.

                Any views on the lens & extender combo?


                  Re: Mandarin

                  The lens is superb ........ Canon's best. With a 1.4x attached it is difficult to notice the difference in quality. The same can't be said for the 2x and I only use one in emergency. It needs really good light and knocks the performace down from a prime lens to a zoom.



                    Re: Mandarin

                    Thanks Colin,
                    I was expecting the 2 x extender to give poor results, as per your experince of it, but was pleased with many results with it on the 300 2.8 on Thursday.

                    Given the mandarin was taken in poor light at 1600 ISO, do you think the IQ, noise etc is below par?



                      Re: Mandarin

                      For image quality, I bet the original hi res copy is superb. It's still very good at this level for the net and the noise is only showing on the flat tonal areas of the background. If you had a busier background, you probably wouldn't have noticed any, as there is none noticable on the Mandarin Duck.

                      I would be happy enough with that as it is, though I would probably make a selection of the background and give it a light pass through noise ninja if I was going to print it large.

                      Perhaps I am being a little unkind with using the 2x and I shouldn't imply it is horrible, just that I notice if I have used it on a shot and I don't if I use the 1.4x ............... I've probably been spoilt by using big primes, but after your brief time with the 300mm, you already know what I mean.



                        Re: Mandarin

                        Perhaps I am being a little unkind with using the 2x and I shouldn't imply it is horrible,
                        I didn't take it that way and thanks for the comments.

                        I am sure that once you get to the 500 etc there's no going back. My initial view was that this was giving me 40% more reach at no less quality than with my 300L f4IS and 1.4x extender. Certainly found my treecreeper shots - again in the gloom - were better than on my own set up with results cropped.

                        Wll be keeping an eye out for a used 300 2.8, but don't seem to be many about.



                          Re: Mandarin

                          Originally posted by hughbie View Post
                          Wll be keeping an eye out for a used 300 2.8, but don't seem to be many about.

                          With good reason. Unless it is essential to their work, people tend to think long and hard about investing in the 300mm f2.8 and the 500mm f4. Consequently they tend to hang on to them for a very long time. You occasionaly see the previous non-IS version and current version "beaten up" ex pro ones about, but a well cared for minter is a rare beast.



                            Re: Mandarin

                            Just wondering what anyone thinks of IQ etc
                            Looks good to me, I think these are my favourite ducks.

                            Sorry to be a pixel peeper Hugh, the exif is showing 1/1250 as the shutter speed, with a 1/3 of a stop neg exposure compensation.



                              Re: Mandarin

                              the exif is showing 1/1250 as the shutter speed, with a 1/3 of a stop neg exposure compensation.
                              My postings are as sloppy as my choice of camera settings. Took a few at different settings and got muddled on this. Didn't need such a high shutter speed, did it.


