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Jeff's twig

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    Re: Jeff's twig

    In astro-imaging processing, the histogram is a very valuable tool, especially when dealing with extremely feint deep-sky objects at one end of the scale, to very luminous stars at the other end, and all in the same shot. An invaluable tool when 'stretching' and image to reveal feint detail.

    With terrestrial photography, the histogram in image processing software is very useful to see how well an image sits within the black and white points. However, it only shows you what you have, whether it be good or bad. If the highlights are blown, its just telling you what you can see in the image anyway.

    The in-camera histogram is as good as that in Photoshop, except that its just that the display too small to see small areas that exceed the black or white points, as in the case of my image above. Easy to see on a PC screen, but not using the camera's LCD.

    Jeff, you are correct, there is a blinked over exposure warning, that can be enabled on the 5D3 (page 253 of the manual ). However, from what Andy say's, it might be a bit of a gimmick, as opposed to a tool to be trusted.




      Re: Jeff's twig

      It does work.

      I enabled the highlight alert on the 5D3, then viewed the image in-camera, and where the white feather areas were 'blown out', these areas 'blinked' a Highlight Alert warning.

      So, while these 'blown out' areas weren't easily distinguishable in the small Histogram display on the camera's LCD, the Highlight Alert was very effective at signalling their presence.

      Thanks for bringing that function to my attention Jeff.

      I really must read the manual 'end to end', all 404 pages of it.




        Re: Jeff's twig

        wish i could say that my settings are all cut and dried dave ,i think i must change something after every session ,at the moment i,m assessing the capabilities of my 1.4 tc as i seem to get better pics with it sometimes but not others ,and allied with that whether its best to shoot in a.i servo with its single variable point ,or expanded points ,or ring of fire ,or switch to one shot with its multi point capabilities .they all achieve the same result in the end though i think .
        i must also learn to master back button focussing ,i used it all the time on my nikons but the 1d3 button is in a awkward place due to the size of the body .in reality it would be easy with the camera tripod mounted but quite hard hand held hmmmmmmmm


          Re: Jeff's twig

          I guess the setup combinations can be almost infinite Jeff, and sometimes with no obvious, or logical reason, why the same setup doesn't always produce consistent results.

          Perhaps we should go for a simple 'point and shoot' camera. The results might not be as good, but far less stressful.

          I guess most all enthusiast amateur photographers, are always striving for perfection, but that can be like 'chasing the impossible dream', because whatever we produce, we will always want better.

          For me, life is a little bit more laid back than some for folks, as I'm not looking to win competitions, or sell my photographs. I just enjoy photography for what it is to me, a hobby.

          That said, I am always willing to listen to, and be grateful for, constructive criticism and advice, from others, as part of the on-going learning process.

          As for the 1.4x TC. At the moment, I have no complaints with mine, or the results its producing in combination with the 400mm L.

          It is the Mkll version, and as I understand it, the Mk1wasn't rated too highly.




            Re: Jeff's twig

            no problem with my mk2 tc either dave ,its just me pushing to hard and expecting miracles when in reality i shouldn't even take the shot in the first place

            just added one from today in the planes a bonus shot
            Last edited by the black fox; 31-08-2014, 18:21.

