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Goldcrest, treecreepers and LTT's treats down in the woods

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    Goldcrest, treecreepers and LTT's treats down in the woods

    After few hours just wandering around different local pine woods, I found an out of the way tree trunk drenched in sunshine to lean upon and just relax and almost started dozing off until the busy sound of small birds interrupted my slumber. At first I just left the camera alone instead enjoyed the feature that played it self around me as they all went about their business but instead of just flying through and disappearing the three species, of which I had not seen in a good while, seemed to hang on around me so when they all decided to pass me by again I took the plung and captured a few unposed wild shots of them going about their stuff.
    The goldcrest had just pruned itself, the treecreeper was in the middle of getting some morsal it had discovered in the folds of bark and the long tail was taking a breather before darting off again with its group.
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    Last edited by paul2610; 05-10-2016, 17:09.

    Re: Goldcrest, treecreepers and LTT's treats down in the woods

    treecreepers and goldcrests are particularly difficult birds to capture so well done for getting them in the frame but the light looks to have been very contrasty which has resulted in the goldcrest being in shadow, the treecreeper is obscured by the oof foliage and again the LTT is too dark and also obscured by the branch and OOF twig

    Not that is would help much with these but, as has been said many times before, direct uploads to this forum never work too well, much better to use flickr for example
    Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*

