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Ural Owl

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    Ural Owl

    This one is for Collette.

    I originally posted this last Saturday, but deleted it when I saw that Collette had already posted one. Having seen her work, I had an idea in mind that I thought would interest the Forum.

    We were stood next to each other, both using 1D bodies and both using 300mm prime lenses. We also use similar post processing programs, so we should end up with exactly the same shot right?

    Wrong! First, I am a little taller than Collette and stood on tiptoes to get a slightly higher point of view, shooting slightly down. That meant that none of the sky was in my shot and I got the bland, out of focus background that I wanted. We also used slightly different settings, but in this instance, it wouldn't have materially affected the results. We also used slightly different criteria with post processing, mine being slightly lighter, because that's how my eyes saw the scene.

    Both photo's are technically competent, record the same scene, which was in challenging lighting and both were shot in manual. We even have the same composition. The difference is two photographers, with different styles. If we had six photographers huddled together, we may have even got six slightly different versions!

    Am I being an anorak, or is that interesting?


    Re: Ural Owl

    Colin, thanks for being an anorak because what you have done, for me, is to point out the importance of planning a shot.
    So many times I have taken what I thought was a well composed shot only to find, for example, a radio mast sticking up out of the tree line which I did not see when initially composing all because I did not "see" the shot before I pressed the shutter release.
    Both you and Collette have produced great shots, the difference being. as you said, the style of two different photographers.



      Re: Ural Owl

      Originally posted by colin C View Post
      Am I being an anorak?
      Absolutely.......................... not!

      A prime example of how even the 'slightest' difference in composition, post-processing, basic settings etc. etc. etc. can have a 'dramatic' impact on the finished article...

      Time, patience & experience is all I lack!
      I actively encourage constructive comment & critique of any image I post!
      Feel free to edit & re-post as you see fit - but please - tell me what you have done to 'improve' the shot!


        Re: Ural Owl

        Originally posted by Canon-Fodder! View Post
        Time, patience & experience is all I lack!
        You wouldn't know it from your results!



          Re: Ural Owl

          Thanks Colin for posting your shot. It is great to be able to see the difference between almost identical shots and to see how I can improve.

          Have made a mental note to take my step ladder next time as the extra height does make a difference. :tongue:

          I am going to re-edit my photo to try and do something about the blown sky, remove the "jessies" and maybe lighten it a bit. It is really good practice for me and it helps being able to compare my results with a similar picture taken by another person.

          As always, your help and suggestions are always welcome


            Re: Ural Owl

            Am I being an anorak, or is that interesting?
            I find it interesting as it just goes to show how one scene can be viewed differently by people

            So many times I have taken what I thought was a well composed shot only to find...
            You're not the only one David, I used to do this quite a lot but have found recently that I'm trying to think more about the shots I want and with that tend to pay more attention when looking through the viewfinder.

            I am going to re-edit my photo to try and do something...
            Looks like I need the teaching hat again


              Re: Ural Owl

              Looks like I need the teaching hat again
              but of course! Can never get enough training.


                Re: Ural Owl

                Just shows the difference a little bit of height can make. Mine would have probably turned out like Collette's unless I stood up on the bench
                Lovely shot Colin

                Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*



                  Re: Ural Owl

                  Collette, Colin, both great shots, it is interesting to see the difference that a slightly differing angle or view and also the interpretation of tone / colour make.

                  I have lost count of the number of times that I have, as David said, wound up with a post or power line etc. in the image just because I was focusing on what I wanted to see in the viewfinder not what was actually there.

                  This sort of comparison and disucssion I find very helpful as it makes me think and illustrates the issues very well. The old saying a picture paints a 1000 words is depicted in these 2 images and few notes.

