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From my garden

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    From my garden

    I love poppies and have some in my garden.
    The first one was taken early morning.

    IMG_0826 by Mazz2011, on Flickr

    This second one was the same poppy about a week later after the rain. They don't last very long .....

    poppy1 by Mazz2011, on Flickr

    Just a group of them

    poppy2 by Mazz2011, on Flickr

    Still just me and my camera. What do you think. Comments and suggestions as always very helpful to me as a learner.

    Last edited by Mazzie; 17-06-2011, 14:17. Reason: Incorrect size
    “Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph” – Andre Kertesz

    Re: From my garden

    I also like poppies and we have a variety in out garden, as yuo say they don't last long particularly with the rain.

    I like #1 the poppy is nicely framed and the coulours blend well with some subtle back lighting of the petals

    In #2 and #3 I would have experimented with some fill flash as you were shooting into the sky and in #3 a slightly different position to the left or lower down would have removed the bright white spot in the bottom left hand corner.

    Well done keep them coming


      Re: From my garden

      Like how you've got the shadows of the trees leaves showing on number one. In number three, if you'd got the red of the flowers showing just against the blue of the sky, this could be a stunning shot. imho

      ..says me, I always make the mistake of not looking at the background
      Last edited by DeeGee; 18-06-2011, 15:21. Reason: spelling.
      Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
      Di's Flickr


        Re: From my garden

        Thanks for comments guys. I'll keep trying :)

        “Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph” – Andre Kertesz

