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Sausage Tree

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    Sausage Tree

    No, not a spoof like the famous sphagetti tree of many years ago.
    This is the Sausage Tree, Kigelia pinnata (also termed Kigelia africana).
    Was reviewing some 2004 stuff from my first trip abroad with the then state of the art 300D and re-discovered the Sausage Tree, this shot taken in the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

    Fairly obvious why it is called such. The sausages, actually the fruit of the tree, can grow up to a metre or more long, and the flower is, I understand, quite amazing (and bat-pollinated). Sadly, didn't see any flowers - wrong time of year.

    If you'd like to know more have a look at -

    300D + whichever lens I had at the time....

    Cheers, Chris.
    Just chuggin' along.

    Re: Sausage Tree

    Like a salami!!

