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Biker Dudes

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    Biker Dudes

    Out shooting with a friend the other night when we parked beside these two bikers. Decided to engage in a bit of banter to lead up to the all important question “How about a pic guys?” No problem apart from the one in front had come off his at some point and the faring was a bit scraped. “No problem” says I “just stand in front of it!” Job done! Got an email address and sent them copies.

    IMG_6392 - Version 2 by ^Petros^, on Flickr

    Canon 40D Canon 17 - 85 IS USM @ 26mm
    ISO 400 1/60sec at f 6.3

    Re: Biker Dudes

    I like the opposing position of the bikes and the use of the side lighting.


      Re: Biker Dudes

      Thanks CountDavid, I didn’t set anything up, just took advantage of what was there. The setting sun provided the lighting - I was just in the right place at the right time!


        Re: Biker Dudes

        Very good shot. Really like the comp of this and the B&W suits the subjects.

        Well done for starting a chat, and getting the shot. Most of us would probably think about it and walk on! I think most people are happy to have their shot taken, but those that don't usually appreciate being asked and being given the chance to say no.

        Well done, Mike.
        5D4 : 7D2 : 16-35 f4 L : 24-105 II L : 70-200 f2.8 L : 100-400 II L : Macro 100 f2.8 L : Manfrotto CX055 Pro3


          Re: Biker Dudes

          Good job in starting a conversation with them, then positioning them for a well composed image. They should be happy with your work.



            Re: Biker Dudes

            Excellent composition, nice work
            Canon EOS R6 Mark II, Canon RF 100-500mm f4.5-7.1L, Canon RF 24-105mm f4L
            Please note: I do not have or use Photoshop



              Re: Biker Dudes

              Really suits black and white. Well done for asking. I confess I would have done the think and walk on.
              Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
              Di's Flickr


                Re: Biker Dudes

                Thanks Steven and Di. Bikers tend to look a bit unapproachable, but they were really nice guys and only too pleased to be photographed with their favourite toys!


