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    IOM TT

    Hi folks,
    I am still very much learning with my camera, a canon 60D, i am going over to the TT races this year and would very much like to try and get some good slow and fast shots of the bikes. I only have the basic lense 17-85, what would you recommend i use i think you can get pretty close to the action if this helps, also i thought maybe i could hire a suitable lense for the occasion with a possibility of buying later.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Re: IOM TT

    I think you will struggle a bit with the 17-85. I have shot motor sport action at Thruxton, where you can get close and although I have longer lenses my 70-200 was an ideal length,, sometimes with a 1.4 converter attached. So that is one suggestion, an alternative to try would be the canon 70-300 f4-5.6 L IS which would give you a similar focal range

    Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*


      Re: IOM TT

      If your going to hire a lens (with the thought of buying at a later date) then I would highly recommend the 70-200 2.8 mkII and the 1.4 extender.

      The extender just in case you 'need' that little extra, and the 2.8 version because you may want to use the extender ;-)

      Up until last year I used that lens / extender combo almost exclusively for racing, cars and bikes and still use it as my 'fallback' option now.

      Take nothing but photo's - leave nothing but footprints!


        Re: IOM TT

        The above advice is sound, and you won't beat the quality of those lenses. But, if you want to buy a more affordable lens, I have a 75-300mmEF f4-5.6III which I used to shoot motorsport a couple of years ago. Here are a few of my shots with it The first 2 are with my 70-200f4L, and the others with the 75-300. It's not the best low light performer for sure, but I like it as a decent, affordable long lens. Depends on your budget really. Last year I went to the British Grand Prix. Hired this 100-400L from Lenses for Hire, . Now that is a beast!

        Best of luck,

        Garry Macdonald on Flickr
        Garry Macdonald on Facebook


          Re: IOM TT

          Hello Jim
          it looks you have great advice above - it comes down to budget and choice of course
          - best option I think is from DavidS - 70-200 2.8 mkii (fast focus, superb image quality and that narrow DOF will give a variety of options on the day. The 1.4 mike extender will add extra reach with no impact on IQ). However its expensive and some may say a little heavy (I have both and they are exceptional)
          - An excellent choice reccommended by Stan and Digiman is the 70-200L F4 (ideally IS) or the 70-300 f4-5.6 L IS. Canon L glass is not cheap of course but both will take excellent images. Another option mentioned by Digimon is the 100-400mm (I had the mk1 version and used it to photograph hummingbirds and it was excellent (the Mkii I hear is even better)

          The reality is that pretty much any Canon or good third party manufacturer (Sigma, Tamron etc) ideally with image stabilisation will do a good job if you have reasonable panning technique and settings.
          I recommend thinking longer term to what type of photography you like and what lens you need that suites budget to avoid to many upgrades later.

          hope it helps


            Re: IOM TT

            Originally posted by DaveG001 View Post
            The reality is that pretty much any Canon or good third party manufacturer (Sigma, Tamron etc) ideally with image stabilisation will do a good job if you have reasonable panning technique and settings.
            For panning, is IS that necessary? I remember reading somewhere (on this forum I think) that due to the panning action, IS is pointless. I din't have IS on any of my lenses, and can't say it is something I hanker after. That said, with more static shots, such as those hummingbirds you mentioned, I can imagine it is a Godsend! I guess it is what you want to shoot that is the deciding factor there. Also, if the budget allows, I suppose it is better to have and not want, than to not have and want!

            Just my thoughts,

            Garry Macdonald on Flickr
            Garry Macdonald on Facebook


              Re: IOM TT

              Yep you are right Garry
              It's not strictly necessary but there is an IS mode for panning (takes out vertical shake so a better chance of getting the horizontal only movement in the shot)


                Re: IOM TT

                Originally posted by DaveG001 View Post
                It's not strictly necessary but there is an IS mode for panning (takes out vertical shake so a better chance of getting the horizontal only movement in the shot)
                AAhhh, every day's a school day! Cheers for that Dave

                Garry Macdonald on Flickr
                Garry Macdonald on Facebook


                  Re: IOM TT

                  Thanks for all the feedback guys,
                  I kind of had been thinking on perhaps 70-300 f4 5.6 L IS USM but was looking at the tamron 70- 300 f4 5.6 SP DI VC USD also and it is a lot cheaper than the Canon, i,m sure it wouldn't be in the same league but it seems to get favourable reviews and may be good enough for my needs.


                    Re: IOM TT

                    Originally posted by newtodslr View Post
                    Hi folks,
                    I am still very much learning with my camera, a canon 60D, i am going over to the TT races this year and would very much like to try and get some good slow and fast shots of the bikes. I only have the basic lense 17-85, what would you recommend i use i think you can get pretty close to the action if this helps, also i thought maybe i could hire a suitable lense for the occasion with a possibility of buying later.
                    Any help would be appreciated.
                    I went over to the IOM in September for the Rally IOM and decided that as I did not have the knowledge to get around the Island to find suitable locations to take shots so ended up acting as a competitor's service car driver and spent a lot of time driving the TT course to get to the stages. After the event I reviewed the local Motorsport photographers who know the best spots. I suggest you check out the TT photos and try and work out where they were taken. Don't forget to find a safe spot as Motorsport is very dangerous especially on the TT course. Have fun it's a great Island and everyone is so friendly. You might find it difficult to get around while the racing is ON.

