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Kent Gliding Club

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    Kent Gliding Club

    I met up with a friend at the Kent Gliding Club at Challock yesterdayand after helping load a glider into its trailer plus a few other chores andfinally a coffee we took a walk to the take off / landing end of the fieldwhere I grabbed a couple of shots.

    What fascinated me was the way at this site some of the moreexperienced pilots actually land uphill as can be seen here. I also liked theway the rope snaked away behind the tug as it came into land.

    Re: Kent Gliding Club

    Awesome - does it not worry them that a length of rope is hanging below as they fly in over the tree's or are the tree's further away than they look?

    Take nothing but photo's - leave nothing but footprints!


      Re: Kent Gliding Club

      David, thanks for looking and commenting, there is a clear run in to the main landing area with the trees on one side so there shouldn't really be a problem for the tug pilots and as you can see from the glider shot the hill drops away from the main field. The reason the glider was landing uphill was so that it would stop in the right place for the nest tow / tug.


        Re: Kent Gliding Club

        Good shots Ian..I went gliding scared me wittless...never again

