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Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

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    Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

    Hello All,

    Not posted for quite some time due to illness and done very little with the camera for a few months now and the last couple of days have revealed how rusty one becomes.
    I was only able to go to waddington for a few hours and did not actually go on the base so the shots are from a distance and cropped and are certainly no more than "record shots"
    However in an effort to get back in the swing of things I have attached a few efforts, but certainly nothing very special.

    I would welcome any thoughts

    Regards Paul

    Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

    Hi Paul,

    Look pretty impressive to me. I like the Red Arrows shot - think you've caught them just right.

    Couple of things I would suggest, but I need to know what system you use to 'clean' up your jPegs - I use CS4 & its no good me giving advice if you're using something totally different. I'm assuming you've taken the pictures in RAW - if so I think you may have gone a bit over the top with the fill in light - looking at the Vulcan's nose & the change of colour. I did just alter the F-16 pic slightly, though

    Neilly's Flickr Page


      Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

      Hi Neil,
      Thanks for the reply, I do shoot in Raw and yes I have used Fill In Light as you said.

      I use Lightroom 3 at the moment, I will have to get CS4 to be able to get the best from things I think.

      What did you do to the F16 it is much clearer and sharper looking now???

      I don't know if you went to the show Neil but heat haze, albeit being much nicer than being cold, was a real problem with the photography!!!

      Thanks Again, Paul


        Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

        Hi Paul,

        I never use more than 10% Fill In Light if I can help it - I prefer to use the Shadow/Highlights in Images > Adjustments to bring out the detail in the darker areas of a picture. The beauty of using this is you don't get a colour 'seam' along the dark/light area. Then its a case of using the brightness/contrast sliders to adjust & bring out the definition. There's also something called soft light - very useful because if you use it sparingly - never more than 30% - you can darken the colours slightly & give them a bit more depth. Again, you don't want to go OTT with this feature as it'll distort the colours to much.

        Heat haze is something we can't escape from in aviation photography, that's why I try to get as 'close' as possible to the aircraft with a big lens.

        Unfortunately I wasn't at Waddington - had to do a bit of family time - walking up Mam Tor with SWMbOed. I'm away next weekend - British GP & the following weekend the LMA premier air show at Cosford, so gotta do something to keep me out of the divorce courts!!!

        Neilly's Flickr Page


          Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

          Hi all

          Picture taken with EOS550D, let me know your thoughts..... No advanced settings/editing used.

          Last edited by mark00; 04-07-2011, 12:17.


            Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

            Hi Mark,

            Same advice as above - have a go with the shadow/highlight sliders - you'll be able to brighten up the dark areas quite easily - I know because I've just tried & done it.

            Neilly's Flickr Page


              Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

              Hi Neil, like the vulcan, always impresses me, and I think a Hawker Hunter #3? reminds me of my youth when this really was state of the art stuff, pictures on wall and airfix dangling from the ceiling, thanks for the memory.



                Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

                Do like the Vulcan shot and the red arrows.

                Brother was actually at the show.. if he's turned out anything like these he'll be running around like a dog with two tails.
                Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
                Di's Flickr


                  Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

                  Hi Paul,

                  Here we go - try this one

                  Neilly's Flickr Page


                    Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

                    Wow.... I was there on the Saturday (once I had eventually got in).

                    I am new to SLR Photography and bought a Sigma 28-300 lens the day before to go with my Birthday Present (Canon 1000D) as my first attempt at shots like this.

                    I am going to try and upload a couple of my shots.. but in comparrison to yours Nelly... they are no where near as good..

                    Loving the shots :-)

                    (PS - How do you upload Pics to this forum ?? )

                    I know..... you can tell I am a Newbie!!


                      Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

                      Try again
                      Last edited by siecroz; 12-08-2011, 11:05.


                        Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )


                        Think I have got it... here goes... these have been resized for this website... high res were clearer..


                          Re: Waddington Airshow 2011 ( From Outside )

                          great shot of the arrows its a real shame and great loss that two of those guys are now dead .

