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MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

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    MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

    Hi All,

    Saw Stans' thread and couldn't resist adding mine.

    1972 RGB Roadster, named Ruby.


    It is the engine and wheels where all the work is to keep it up to spec, as I am sure Stan will agree with, some might recognise the interiour shot used in the last Photo Comp as Cool Interiors.

    Hope you like them, Comments Welcome

    Regards Paul

    Re: MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

    Hello Paul

    Much better shots than Stan's, but in fairness, his did suffer from some major distractions ....................... multiple Stan's.



      Re: MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

      Thanks Colin, maybe you can see why I don't get enough time to practise Phoography skills like all you guys!!!!

      Ruby has a Polish Fetish!!!

      As the Classic Car season finishes I will have Autumn to look forward to for some Camera time



        Re: MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

        Much better shots than Stan's, but in fairness, his did suffer from some major distractions ....................... multiple Stan's.

        Here was me thinking there was something missing from Pauls, to add that extra punch.

        Great looking and well cared for Paul. I dont show mine but probably like you once the cold wet weather comes it stays undercover.

        Stan - LRPS, CPAGB, BPE2*


          Re: MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

          Nice series Paul. So how long do you spend polishing??


            Re: MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

            Hi Stan and Glenn,

            Thanks for the replies,

            Stan, yes I do show the car and sometimes win believe it or not, I have a few trophies and Rosettes which is always nice, never of course win against the more exotic stuff but the comp's I enter are usually more the low key affairs to be honest.
            Your's does look nice also, like the wheels especially, the LE ones were some of the best MGB's.

            Glenn, polishing, thankfully the body is so small I can do it really quick, it's the wheels and the engine which takes all the time, just ask Stan, the spokes are a nightmare, you get a lot more repetitive stress syndrome than pressing a shutter button!!!

            Thamks again for the interest



              Re: MGB Roadster but None of Me!!

              Really nice shots Paul.
              I had a white MGB of the same model in Australia but it was an everyday use vehicle in summer and nowhere near the condition your one is in.


