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Another... does anyone use..

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    Another... does anyone use..

    Does anyone use Cokin filters?

    The filters that I have are the screw on round type. Been looking at extending my range of filters... would like to try some longer exposure pictures that blur water movement etc..

    I've seen some Cokin filters where a bracket goes on front of the lens, then square filters drop into a frame infront of the lens.

    I've seen a kit where there are about eight different filters with the bracket including a graduated ND, a full ND a polarising, one for sunsets etc...

    I was just wondering if anyone had tried them, used them etc...

    I have a UV on the front of the lens (I admit mainly to protect the lens front cos I can be a clutz) and I admit that when I swap it for the polarising one I get all fingers and thumbs and worry about crossing the threads...

    Advice please. :smile: thanks.
    Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
    Di's Flickr

    Re: Another... does anyone use..

    I use Cokin filters. What is it you want to know?

    I love stacking filters ie ND grad with a red or blue grad - great fun :smile:


      Re: Another... does anyone use..

      I'll be honest, the set I saw was 60 odd pound for the full set... then I keep looking at Hoya filters that screw on that cost 30.00 for one and I was thinking are they alright? Do they work or will my photos look like they've been taken through the wrinkley plastic that you have biscuits in when you buy a tin. :smile:

      Came back to add... is this about the right price for them?
      Last edited by DeeGee; 17-07-2011, 17:06.
      Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
      Di's Flickr


        Re: Another... does anyone use..

        I would say that £60 is not a bad price if you have the full set of ND grads and a polarizing filter. I have and use the Kokin filiters.

        Just check that the screw mounting is the correct size for your lens, I have more thayn one of the adaptors as my lenses have differnet diameters for the filters.


          Re: Another... does anyone use..

          I'm a complete fool....I completely forgot about the different size on lens adaptors. I've also now found someone selling second hand filters so umming and aahing and thinking about what best to do. Head may explode. :smile:
          Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
          Di's Flickr


            Re: Another... does anyone use..

            Di...a word of advice. Cheap filters produce abberations. Save your money and invest in quality glass.


              Re: Another... does anyone use..

              The Colin filters are glass, and work very well.

              The 'standard' P sersies Cokin will work for lens upto 77mm.

              It comes in two parts:

              - the filter holder which can hold multiple filters

              - the lens adaptor which screws onto the front of the lens. These are not expensive.

              The filter holder slots onto the adaptor. The beauty of this system is that you can place the filter in any orientation and for grads the grad line doesnt have to be on the centre line - like taking a landscape with the mountain side at 45degrees - not problem rotate the grad so that it is at 45 degrees.



                Re: Another... does anyone use..

                Go for the Cokin P Take a look at there web site,

                There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera. And, you will see the most glorious sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed. Don't be bitter because you can't record it. Sit down, drink it in, and enjoy it for what it is!


                  Re: Another... does anyone use..

                  Thank you everyone for your help and your replies. :smile:

                  Mmmmm didn't see the "P" bit... bought some "A" series.

                  I have: 2 Filter holders . 2 Filter covers . and 4 adapter rings , 49mm , 52mm , 55mm & 58mm .


                  # Yellow ( A001 ) ,
                  # Blue 80a ( A020 ) ,
                  # Blue 80b ( A021 ) ,
                  # Warm 81a ( A026) ,
                  # Star 16 ( A055 ) ,
                  # Star 8 ( A056 ) ,
                  # Spot incolor-1 ( A060 ) ,
                  # Diffuser 1 ( A083 ) ,
                  # Close up +3 ( A103 ) ,
                  # Grad G2 ( A121 ) ,
                  # Grad B1 ( A122 ) ,
                  # Grad T1 Tabac ( A124 ) ,
                  # Grad T2 Tabac ( A125 ) ,
                  # Polarizing ( A160 ) ,
                  # Skylight ( A230 )

                  Currently on the way.

                  Apparently they will go up to 62mm and as I have nothing anyway near that think that they will at least be a good start :smile: Mind you, pondering now whether I should have gone for "P"s
                  Last edited by DeeGee; 21-07-2011, 18:31.
                  Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
                  Di's Flickr


                    Re: Another... does anyone use..

                    Im sorry if I sounded negative Di. I look forward to seeing some stunning/creative results in the not too distant future.


                      Re: Another... does anyone use..

                      Originally posted by hhcanon View Post
                      Im sorry if I sounded negative Di. I look forward to seeing some stunning/creative results in the not too distant future.
                      No worries. Went back and looked at the first set I was going to buy and discovered in the small print that they where compatibles, so left them alone and happily found these. :smile:
                      Di ~ Trying to take "the" photograph.
                      Di's Flickr


                        Re: Another... does anyone use..

                        I have half Cokin and half Kood compatibles. Cant tell the difference

