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2x Converter

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    2x Converter

    I have never been a great fan of the 2x converter and tend to use it for emergency only. It needs good light and a high shutter speed to work well, so I thought I would play with it just for fun.

    Used on a 500mm f4 giving an actual focal length of 1,000mm, or including the 1.3 crop, a percieved focal length of 1,300mm. All shots hand held and just normal post processing. The camera settings are just coincidental, as they were shot on different days at different locations.

    1/1,600, f8, ISO 200

    1/1,600, f8, ISO 200

    Given the right conditions it can perform, but the 1.4x performs regardless of the conditions.


    Re: 2x Converter

    mmmmm ..... I wonder how the 135f2 + 2x would perform on my 1.6 50d?

    Much smaller than the 300f4 ....


      Re: 2x Converter

      The crop factor would be the same for either lens, so just using the actual focal length, you are comparing a 270mm f4, with a 300mm f4. It would be interesting to try it Brian, but my instinct would be to use the 300mm everytime.



        Re: 2x Converter

        Interesting. As yet I don't have the 2x mainly because I've never felt the need, although I'm sure that will change at some point


          Re: 2x Converter

          When I carry the camera for miles most days I think the reduction in weight would be significant as I would be able to carry a 135 and a 270 with only a weight penalty of the 2x converter. Also imagine doing street photography with a 300/f4?

          I am reading about Henri Cartier-Bresson at the moment as he was the key early street photographer:

          - he only used ambient light
          - he composed in the viewfinder not in the darkroom
          - he took pictures with a Leica with a quick 50mm lens

          If I could only get to be as good as him ......


            Re: 2x Converter

            How much PShop on these? ................ although I am suprised with their quality considering the slagging off the 2x gets ...............
            Cheers Mark



              Re: 2x Converter

              Originally posted by X-ray-spex View Post
              ................ although I am suprised with their quality considering the slagging off the 2x gets ...............
              TBH I think certain items of Canon kit get a slagging because some people are unable to use them correctly or don't realise when they should be used.


                Re: 2x Converter

                Originally posted by Glenn View Post
                TBH I think certain items of Canon kit get a slagging because some people are unable to use them correctly or don't realise when they should be used.
                That's a very valid point Glenn.

                With the conditions in its favour, it can produce very good results. My actual results are far better than these low res shots suggest and I have been very careful to only apply my normal settings for the web - they have not been photoshopped to look good. But at a percieved 1300mm, I need a shutter speed of around 1/1,600 sec and wide open at f8, I would like at least one stop down, just to get a tiny bit of depth of field. How often is the light going to be good enough for that at a reasonable ISO?

                Where we start to compromise on any of the above, quality will suffer and if you aren't experienced enough to realise the importance of the settings you need, the chances of getting an acceptable image are severely diminished. I have been equally guilty of trying to use it in inappropriate conditions, with less than satisfactory results, but in fairness it was either use it and get a record shot, or leave it in the bag and get nothing. The only other situation where it doesn't perform well is when there is a lot of heat haze, but that's not down to the converter, it's down to the laws of Physics and the magnification/forshortening effect of the optics on the haze.



                  Re: 2x Converter

                  Originally posted by Glenn View Post
                  TBH I think certain items of Canon kit get a slagging because some people are unable to use them correctly or don't realise when they should be used.
                  Like Colin, I agree with Glenn.

                  I purchased a 2x converter in the, then, erroneous belief (aided and abetted in hindsight by a salesman who clearly had little Canon product knowledge),rather than hand it back for a refund I purchased a 100-400 and used it with that. In good light it produces good results, and has proved handy at Marwel when the animals are less than accommodating.

                  Recognising the limitations of a given item of kit will enable you to use it appropriately. At least with digital you can experiment in situ.



